Use of cookies

Policy concerning the use of cookies within the e-shop

We use cookie files (cookies) and related technologies to improve the efficiency of our services. We use cookies on our websites for various purposes. We use them to discover your preferences, navigate among respective websites, verify your identity or alternatively for ensuring security of our websites.

As defined in Article 55 paragraph 5 of Act No 351/2011 Coll. on electronic communication as amended, we inform you about the use of cookies and the possibility to change the settings of your browser in case the current settings for the use of cookies is not convenient for you.

Use of cookies

By using the websites operated by Katkyn, s.r.o. you express your consent with the use of cookies in accordance with the settings of your Internet browser. Each browser is set to enable the receipt of cookies by default. If you do not perform a modification of the settings in your Internet browser and continue on our websites, we consider it to be an acceptance of our terms of use of cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies represent small text files which are stored to your computer or mobile devices by the website in the course of browsing. They are stored to your browser’s file. Once you visit the website which created the files again, the cookies might be resend by the browser. The cookies we use do not damage your computer or other devices used for browsing the Internet.

Which cookies do we use?

Basic cookies – they enable the use of basic features such as the log in of a registered user or pre-filled forms. If you disable these cookies, we cannot guarantee the full functionality of our websites.

Operational cookies – are used to analyse the behaviour of the website user, improve the website’s functionality and appearance. Once you disable these cookies, we cannot guarantee the full functionality of our websites.

Functional cookies – are used to provide services or store your settings to improve comfort while working with the website. Cookies can for example remember items which you have put into the cart of the e-shop. Disabling them can mean that you will lose some services or once you disable them the website will not remember that you have refused a service.

Necessary cookies – cookies which are strictly necessary for the functioning of our websites. These cookies do not collect marketing information about you and do not remember where you have been navigating on the Internet.

Third party cookies – cookies which are created and used by providers of services such as Google Analytics, Google AdSense or Facebook. Services are integrated into our websites because we consider them to be useful and completely secure.

What should I do, if I do not want cookies?
Most Internet browsers are set to an automatic receipt of cookies following their installation. You will find instructions on how to change these settings in the Hint or Help section of your browser. Setting changes are valid only for a particular browser on a particular device. Disabling cookies will probably negatively influence the functionality of visited websites.