Trampolína Dynamic Groundlevel Sports od holandskej značky Exit Toys je kvalitná trampolína s rozmermi 244*427 cm, ktorú zabudujete do zeme a zabavia sa s ňou ako dospelí, tak aj deti od 14 rokov. Trampolína je vybavená 80 obojstrannými kónickými pružinami s dĺžkou 25 cm, ktoré umožňujú lepší a vyšší výskok, takže zostanete vo vzduchu dlhšiu dobu, vyskúšate si množstvo nových trikov a zažijete veľa skvelých zážitkov.
Trampolína umožňuje pohodlné skákanie aj pre menšie deti, ktoré si postupne zlepšujú svoje schopnosti, trénujú si svalstvo na rukách a nohách, učia sa odhadovať vzdialenosti a silu odrazu. Trampolína je vybavená extra stabilným rámom s priemerom 4,2 cm, ktorý je pozinkovaný a ošetrený práškovou technológiou, vďaka čomu vynikajúco odoláva nepriaznivým poveternostným vplyvom a korózii. Luxusný čierny vzhľad trampolíny pôsobí moderne, ozdobí každú záhradu, ochranný okraj trampolíny je po inštalácii v jednej rovine s trávnikom, takže pôsobí prirodzene a harmonicky s okolím.
O ochranu nôh pri skákaní sa postará praktický matrac pružín so sieťkou, ktorá bráni vkĺznutiu chodidla do priestoru s pružinami. Celkové rozmery trampolíny sú 244*427 cm, jej váha je 128 kg. Odporúčaná nosnosť trampolíny je 130 kg, pričom celková testovaná nosnosť trampolíny je 650 kg. Plocha na skákanie má rozmery 154*337 cm. Vonkajšia dopadová zóna so zelenými rohožami nie je súčasťou balenia.
Holandská značka Exit Toys už dlhé roky prináša deťom aj dospelým prvotriedne outdoor hračky. Produkty Exit Toys spĺňajú aj tie najprísnejšie kritéria kvality a normy Európskej únie, sú držiteľmi certifikácií TÜV, CE, EN71. Trampolíny sa vyznačujú originálnym holandským vzhľadom a najvyššou kvalitou, vydržia vo vašej záhrade dlhé roky a poskytnú zábavu celej rodine!
The EXIT Dynamic is the showpiece of the EXIT Toys trampoline collection. The luxurious matte black finish and subtle color details give the trampoline a stylish, modern look. And the advantage of a ground-level trampoline is that the protective edge is exactly flush with the grass, so that the trampoline is completely integrated into the rest of the garden. The EXIT Dynamic is a trampoline with class!
The EXIT Dynamic is the showpiece of the EXIT Toys trampoline collection. The luxurious matte black finish and subtle color details give the trampoline a stylish, modern look. And the advantage of a ground-level trampoline is that the protective edge is exactly flush with the grass, so that the trampoline is completely integrated into the rest of the garden. The EXIT Dynamic is a trampoline with class!
Stylish design
The EXIT Dynamic is the showpiece of the EXIT Toys trampoline collection. The luxurious matte black finish and subtle color details give the trampoline a stylish, modern look. And the advantage of a ground-level trampoline is that the protective edge is exactly flush with the grass, so that the trampoline is completely integrated into the rest of the garden. The EXIT Dynamic is a trampoline with class!
Optimal security
With such high jumps, of course, safety comes first. In addition to the low profile of the inground model, the safety net with an overlapping door ensures safety. And the two strong fiberglass rings ensure that the net is always taut, while the feet are provided with a protective foam layer. So you want to experience carefree jumping fun? Then choose the EXIT Dynamic with safety net!
Stylish design
The EXIT Dynamic is the showpiece of the EXIT Toys trampoline collection. The luxurious matte black finish and subtle color details give the trampoline a stylish, modern look. And the advantage of a ground-level trampoline is that the protective edge is exactly flush with the grass, so that the trampoline is completely integrated into the rest of the garden. The EXIT Dynamic is a trampoline with class!
Optimal security
With such high jumps, of course, safety comes first. In addition to the low profile of the inground model, the safety net with an overlapping door ensures safety. And the two strong fiberglass rings ensure that the net is always taut, while the feet are provided with a protective foam layer. So you want to experience carefree jumping fun? Then choose the EXIT Dynamic with safety net!
With such high jumps, of course, safety comes first. In addition to the low profile of the inground model, the safety net with an overlapping door ensures safety. And the two strong fiberglass rings ensure that the net is always taut, while the feet are provided with a protective foam layer. So you want to experience carefree jumping fun? Then choose the EXIT Dynamic with safety net!
With such high jumps, of course, safety comes first. In addition to the low profile of the inground model, the safety net with an overlapping door ensures safety. And the two strong fiberglass rings ensure that the net is always taut, while the feet are provided with a protective foam layer. So you want to experience carefree jumping fun? Then choose the EXIT Dynamic with safety net!
Tento tovar nie je možné z hygienických dôvodov vrátiť, pokiaľ bol vybratý z ochranného obalu.
Age | From 14 years |
Size | 244*427 cm |
Package | Yes |
Weight | 110 kg |
Carrying capacity | 130 kg |
Colour | black |
Set produktov | No |