| Detské odrážadlo s rozprávkovým motívom pilotky Minnie je nádherné ružovo-fialové odrážadlo v tvare lietadla, s ktorým sa zabavia deti od 12 do 36 mesiacov. Toto vynikajúce odrážadlo sa vyznačuje veľkou vrtuľou v prednej časti, ktoré sa dokáže otáčať, takže si dieťa pripadá ako skutočný pilot. Lietadielko poteší deti svetelnými efektmi a takisto ich prekvapia aj realistické zvuky vzlietania a pristávania, nechýba ani zvuk klaksónu. Volant s gombíkmi je v tvare leteckého kormidla, pričom na prednej strane kokpitu je figúrka Minnie, ktorá absolvuje let spolu s dieťaťom. Táto fantastická hračka pomôže deťom s rozvojom jemnej motoriky, fantázie a predstavivosti.
Lietadlo má kvalitné plastové kolieska, bezpečné a veľmi pohodlné, ergonomicky tvarované sedadlo. Volantom sa predné kolieska odrážadla dokážu nasmerovať do strán a dieťa mení smer jazdy. Detské odrážadlo je tou správnou voľbou pre každého malého pilota, ktorý obdivuje svet lietadiel. Súčasťou balenia sú aj batérie 3 x AA. Stabilná a odolná plastová konštrukcia vydrží s deťom dlhé roky a pomôže im všestranne sa vyvíjať.
Kiddieland je výrobca hračiek pre bábätká a batoľatá, ktorý na svetovom trhu funguje už od roku 1998, licenciu na výrobky Disney získali v roku 2002. Kiddieland je rozšírený na americkom kontinente a vo veľkej miere aj v Európe. Ponúka hračky s nádherným dizajnom, veselými farbami, so zvukovými a svetelnými efektmi, s rozprávkovými motívmi za rozumné ceny. Ich cieľom je ponúkať starostlivým rodičom hračky, pri ktorých sa deti nielen zabavia, ale môžu sa s nimi aj veľa naučiť.
kvalitné a bezpečné odrážadlo
robustná konštrukcia
veselé farebné vyhotovenie s Minnie
elektronické funkcie - zvukové a svetelné
1 vrtuľa
rozvíja predstavivosť a motorické funkcie
od 12 mesiacov
| In stock Article number: KID53207
| In stock Article number: SM810503-16
| In stock Article number: SM810731-6
| In stock Article number: SM810731-8
| Brighten up your child's world with a beautiful plush toy from the brand Histoire d’ Ours. The Little Companions plush bunny from the French brand Histoire d’ Ours will welcome your baby into this world with tenderness and love. The pink bunny looks very realistic and is perfect for babies from birth. The plush bunny with soft fur will help little ones get used to their new environment and will engage their sight and touch, as it hides soft beads in its belly. The soft plush fur and round body will ensure that the bunny becomes your baby's personal guardian from the very first moment. The Histoire d’ Ours plush bunny is 20 cm in size and represents the perfect combination of tradition and modernity.
The body of The Little Companions plush bunny is fluffy, exceptionally soft, and lightweight, making it a loyal companion for your baby. In the presence of this plush toy, children will find comfort and refuge. The Histoire d’ Ours plush bunny is ready for the worst treatment and food stains, so you can wash it in the washing machine at 30 °C on a gentle cycle, which will restore its softness and fluffiness. The Histoire d’ Ours plush bunny will be a beautiful gift for a newborn or for a first birthday. The soft plush bunny from The Little Companions has been tested by independent, approved laboratories, so you can safely place it in children's hands, where it rightfully belongs.
The history of the French brand Histoire d’ Ours began in 1985. Alain Joly created a collection of top-quality plush bears that became part of the family plush workshop. The adorable toys from Histoire d’ Ours evoke a magical, poetic, and sweet world of early childhood. Each toy from the Histoire d’ Ours workshop boasts perfection in craftsmanship, where nothing is left to chance. All plush toys overflow with tenderness, and their designs are born in the creative minds of designers in the French village of Taverny. Thanks to their ideas, your children will retain their childlike spirit for a lifetime. | In stock Article number: HO3276
| Brighten your child's world with a beautiful plush toy from the brand Histoire d’ Ours. The Little Companions plush bear from the French brand Histoire d’ Ours will welcome your baby to this world with tenderness and love. The white ice bear looks very realistic and is made for babies from birth. The plush bear with soft fur will help little ones get used to their new environment and will capture their sight and touch, as it hides soft beads in its belly. The soft plush fur and round body will ensure that the bear becomes your baby's personal guardian from the very first moment. The Histoire d’ Ours plush bear is 20 cm in size and represents the perfect combination of tradition and modernity.
The body of The Little Companions plush bear is fluffy, exceptionally soft, and lightweight, making it a faithful companion for your baby. In the presence of this plush toy, children will find comfort and refuge. The Histoire d’ Ours plush bear is ready for the worst treatment and food stains, so you can wash it in the washing machine at 30 °C on a gentle cycle, which will restore its softness and fluffiness. The Histoire d’ Ours plush bear will make a beautiful gift for a newborn or for a first birthday. The ice bear made of soft plush The Little Companions has been tested by independent, approved laboratories, so you can safely place it in children's hands, where it rightfully belongs.
The history of the French brand Histoire d’ Ours began in 1985. Alain Joly then created a collection of top-quality plush bears that became part of the family plush workshop. The cute toys from Histoire d’ Ours evoke a magical, poetic, and sweet world of early childhood. Each toy from the Histoire d’ Ours workshop boasts perfection in production, where nothing is left to chance. All plush toys overflow with tenderness, and their design is born in the creative minds of designers in the French village of Taverny. Thanks to their ideas, your children will retain their childlike spirit for a lifetime. | In stock Article number: HO3277