| Odrážadlo Lietadlo My First Mickey je moderná hračka pre všetky zvedavé a neposedné deti od 12 do 36 mesiacov, ktoré rady sledujú rozprávky o Mickey Mousovi. Nadčasové červeno-žlté odrážadlo je vyhotovené v tvare lietadla, pričom má v prednej časti veľkú vrtuľu, ktorá sa dokáže otáčať. Lietadlo očarí deti svetelnými aj zvukovými efektmi, ktoré sa potešia aj realistickým zvukom vzlietania a pristávania. Volant s tlačidlami je v tvare leteckého kormidla, pričom sa v kokpite nachádza figúrka odvážneho myšiaka Mickeyho, s ktorým dieťa pôjde na dobrodružnú výpravu. Táto skvelá hračka pomôže deťom s rozvojom jemnej motoriky, veselé farby podnecujú ich fantáziu a predstavivosť.
Lietadlo má kvalitné plastové kolieska, bezpečné a veľmi pohodlné, ergonomicky tvarované sedadlo. Volantom sa predné kolieska odrážadla dokážu nasmerovať do strán a dieťa mení smer jazdy. Detské odrážadlo je tou správnou voľbou pre všetky odvážne deti, ktoré túžia objavovať a poznávať svet okolo nich. Na boku lietadla je animovaný obrázok Mickeyho a chýbať nesmie ani obrázok veselého Káčera Donalda. Súčasťou balenia sú aj testovacie batérie 3xAA. Stabilná a odolná plastová konštrukcia s opierkou chrbátika vydrží deťom dlhé roky a pomôže im všestranne sa rozvíjať.
Kiddieland je výrobca hračiek pre bábätká a batoľatá, ktorý na svetovom trhu funguje už od roku 1998, licenciu na výrobky Disney získali v roku 2002. Kiddieland je rozšírený na americkom kontinente a vo veľkej miere aj v Európe. Ponúka hračky s nádherným dizajnom, veselými farbami, so zvukovými a svetelnými efektmi, s rozprávkovými motívmi za rozumné ceny. Ich cieľom je ponúkať starostlivým rodičom hračky, pri ktorých sa deti nielen zabavia, ale môžu sa s nimi aj veľa naučiť.
kvalitné a bezpečné odrážadlo s pohyblivou vrtuľou
robustná konštrukcia
červeno-žlté farebné vyhotovenie s figúrkou Mickeyho Mousa
elektronické funkcie - zvukové a svetelné
rozvíja predstavivosť a motorické funkcie
od 12 mesiacov
| In stock Article number: KID53561
| Mickey Fire Truck Ride-On is the perfect gift for all children, especially boys aged 12 to 36 months. The stylish red ride-on features a Disney theme of the animated hero Mickey Mouse. The fairy-tale ride-on captivates children with light and sound effects, and the dashboard offers various interactive functions. The ride-on helps children develop fine motor skills and maintain balance, while the vibrant colors stimulate their imagination and creativity.
The original car has high-quality plastic wheels and a ergonomically shaped seat that can be tilted, revealing a storage space underneath. This ride-on is the right choice for all curious children eager to explore and discover the world around them. With its charming design featuring cheerful images, children will fall in love with the ride-on at first sight. The stable and durable plastic construction with a backrest will last for many years and help them develop in various ways.
Kiddieland is a manufacturer of toys for babies and toddlers that has been operating in the global market since 1998, having obtained the Disney product license in 2002. Kiddieland is well-established in North America and significantly in Europe as well. It offers toys with beautiful designs, cheerful colors, sound and light effects, and fairy-tale themes at reasonable prices.
high-quality and safe ride-on in the shape of a car
Disney theme Mickey Mouse
robust construction
sound and light functions
develops imagination and motor skills
from 12 months
| In stock Article number: KID063867
| Garden House for the Gardener from the French manufacturer Smoby is a perfect choice for children aged 2 and up, providing them with great experiences. The garden house looks realistic, with a surface shaped to resemble wood. It features half doors with a mail slot, 2 classic windows (one with opening shutters), and 2 round windows, allowing for a fresh breeze inside even on hot summer days. The house also includes a modern 21-piece set of garden accessories and tools, with which the child can play at being a real gardener, growing their own flowers and herbs.
One wall of the house is equipped with a garden trellis, allowing for the attachment of up to 4 flower pots using fastening brackets. The set includes a total of 6 classic flower pots and a large flower pot with a capacity of up to 20 liters measuring 57*24*22 cm. The little ones will also enjoy a bird feeder, which allows them to care for the birds in the garden. While working, gardeners can rely on a watering can, rakes, a trowel, and a planter; they also have plastic labels for the pots. Notes and important dates can be recorded on a board that can be attached to the wall of the house. A great addition is the illustrated guide, which also attaches to the wall of the house and contains tips and tricks for planting.
On the other side of the house, children will find a workbench, which is mounted on the window (it can be placed on both the inside and outside). It offers ample storage space for gardening tools, and its large work surface makes it easier for children to plant seedlings in pots, transplant, change soil, and perform all the necessary tasks for garden care. A drainage pipe with a barrel for collecting rainwater provides boys and girls with a realistic experience, giving them their own water source. This way, little gardeners can water and care for flowers, developing a proper attitude toward nature.
The house can be expanded with the following accessories:
summer kitchen
picnic table with benches
front garden with flower pots
electronic doorbell
plastic floor (2 sets)
solar lamp
umbrella attachable to the picnic table
shower head
sandbox and garden 2-in-1
weather station set
The children's house is made of durable plastic material that will last for many years, and its surface is soft and velvety to the touch. Thanks to its eco-friendly production, up to 60% recycled plastics were used in the construction of the house, significantly contributing to environmental protection. The house in natural colors has a surface protected by a UV filter, so it will retain its beautiful appearance even after a long time. The house has sturdy and stable plastic walls that withstand strong winds and adverse weather conditions excellently. The dimensions of the house are 129*132*135 cm, and its total height is 135 cm.The Smoby children's playhouse is assembled and disassembled very easily thanks to the large plastic parts. Once disassembled, the playhouse for kids doesn't take up much space, so you don't have to worry about it getting in the way at home. The enjoyment of playing in the house is enhanced by the spacious interior, giving children plenty of room to play inside. Playing in the house develops socialization, communication skills, creativity, and imagination, as they mimic adults through play. They gain a sense of responsibility, take care of cleanliness in the house, and create a positive relationship with nature.
The top French manufacturer Smoby has been providing children with high-quality plastic toys for decades. The plastic used in Smoby toys is sturdy, durable, yet soft and smooth to children's hands, velvety to the touch. All children's toys have rounded edges to ensure that your kids are safe during their joyful play and protected from injuries. Smoby toys represent the best choice for every child.
playhouse with plenty of accessories for little gardeners
expandable with additional accessories and equipment
realistic appearance
suitable for both indoor and outdoor use
for boys and girls from 2 years old
durable and maximally stable construction
UV filter protects colors from fading
overall height of 135 cm
spacious enough for multiple children to play
eco-friendly production - using up to 60% recycled material
top-quality French product
| In stock Article number: SM810408